Syllabus for Paper-II (Chemical Sciences)
May 20, 2018
Syllabus for Paper-II (Chemical Sciences)
Syllabus for Chemical Sciences
Subject Code [33]
The syllabus depends on two papers, as given below;
Paper II and Paper III will be of 75 minutes and 2½ hours duration respectively.
Paper II will be of 100 marks.
Paper III will be of 200 marks.
1) Structure and Bonding:
Atomic orbitals, electronic configuration of atoms (L-S coupling) and the periodic properties of elements, ionic radii, ionization potential, electron affinity, electronegativity, concept of hybridization. Molecular orbitals and electronic configuration of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. Shapes of polyatomic molecules. VSEPR theory. Symmetry elements and point groups for simple molecules. Bond lengths, bond angles, bond order and bond energies. Resonance. Types of chemical bond (weak and strong). Intermolecular forces. Types of solids, lattice energy.
2) Acids and Bases:
Bronsted and Lewis acids and bases. pH and pKa, acid-base concept in non-aqueous
media, SHAB concept, Buffer solutions.
media, SHAB concept, Buffer solutions.
3) Redox Reactions:
Oxidation numbers, Redox potentials, Electrochemical series, Redox indicators.
4) Introductory Energetics and Dynamics of Chemical Reactions:
Law of conservation of energy. Energy and enthalpy of reactions. Entropy, free energy, relationship between free energy change and equilibrium. Rates of chemical reactions (first-and second-order reactions). Arrhenius equation and Concept of transition state. Mechanisms, including SN1 and SN2 reactions, electron transfer reactions, catalysis Colligative properties of solutions.
5) Aspects of s, p, d, f Block Elements:
General characteristics of each block. Chemical principles involved in extraction and purification of common metals. Coordination chemistry, Structural aspects, isomerism, octahedral and tetrahedral crystal-field splitting of d-orbitals. CFSE, magnetism and colour of transition metal ions. Sandwich compounds metal carbonyls and metal clusters. Rare gas compounds, non-stoichiometric oxides. Radioactivity and transmutation of elements.
6) IUPAC Nomenclature of Simple Organic and Inorganic Compounds.
7) Concept of Chirality:
Recognition of symmetry elements and chiral structures, R-S nomenclature, diastereoisomerism in acyclic and cyclic-systems, E-Z isomerism. Conformational analysis of simple cyclic (chair and boat cyclohexanes) and acyclic systems, Interconverison of Fischer, Newman and Sawhorse projections.
8) Common Organic Reactions and Mechanisms:
Reactive intermediates. Formation and stability of carbonium ions, carbenes, nitrenes, radicals and arynes. Nucleophilic, electrophilic, radical substitution, addition and elimination reactions. Familiar name reactions; Aldol, Perkin, Stobbe,Dieckmann condensations ; Hofmann, Schmidt, Lossen, Curtius, Beckmann and Fries rearrangements, Reimer-Tiemann, Reformatsky and Grignard reactions. Diels-Alder reaction, Claisen rearrangement, Friedel-Crafts reaction, Witting reaction. Routine functional group transformations and inter-convertions of simple functionalities. Hydroboration, Oppenauer oxidation, Clemmensen, Wolf-Kishner, Meerwein-Ponndorf Verley and Birch reductions.
9) Elementary principles and applications of electronic, vibrational, NMR, EPR, Mossbauer and mass spectral techniques to simple structural problems.
10) Data Analysis:
Types of erros, propogation of errors, accuracy and precision, least-square analysis,
average standard diviation.
5) Aspects of s, p, d, f Block Elements:
General characteristics of each block. Chemical principles involved in extraction and purification of common metals. Coordination chemistry, Structural aspects, isomerism, octahedral and tetrahedral crystal-field splitting of d-orbitals. CFSE, magnetism and colour of transition metal ions. Sandwich compounds metal carbonyls and metal clusters. Rare gas compounds, non-stoichiometric oxides. Radioactivity and transmutation of elements.
6) IUPAC Nomenclature of Simple Organic and Inorganic Compounds.
7) Concept of Chirality:
Recognition of symmetry elements and chiral structures, R-S nomenclature, diastereoisomerism in acyclic and cyclic-systems, E-Z isomerism. Conformational analysis of simple cyclic (chair and boat cyclohexanes) and acyclic systems, Interconverison of Fischer, Newman and Sawhorse projections.
8) Common Organic Reactions and Mechanisms:
Reactive intermediates. Formation and stability of carbonium ions, carbenes, nitrenes, radicals and arynes. Nucleophilic, electrophilic, radical substitution, addition and elimination reactions. Familiar name reactions; Aldol, Perkin, Stobbe,Dieckmann condensations ; Hofmann, Schmidt, Lossen, Curtius, Beckmann and Fries rearrangements, Reimer-Tiemann, Reformatsky and Grignard reactions. Diels-Alder reaction, Claisen rearrangement, Friedel-Crafts reaction, Witting reaction. Routine functional group transformations and inter-convertions of simple functionalities. Hydroboration, Oppenauer oxidation, Clemmensen, Wolf-Kishner, Meerwein-Ponndorf Verley and Birch reductions.
9) Elementary principles and applications of electronic, vibrational, NMR, EPR, Mossbauer and mass spectral techniques to simple structural problems.
10) Data Analysis:
Types of erros, propogation of errors, accuracy and precision, least-square analysis,
average standard diviation.