
Notes according to syllabus of SET for Assistant Professor Conducted by Savitribai Phule Pune University state Agency (Formerly University Of Pune). Notes for paper I and Chemical Science.


Tuesday 16 June 2020

June 16, 2020


Chemical periodicity

Key points:

1) You know why they call it the periodic table?

  It's because the rows are called periods.

2) Dmitry Mendeleev, the creator of the table, was late in  submitting his work on all 63 elements.

3) There are 118 confirmed elements in the periodic table. Among those, 90 elements can be found in nature, others are strictly man-made. Technetium was the first man-made element

4) Hydrogen is the lightest element with its atomic weight 1 and that is why it can be found in the top left corner of the periodic table

5) Uranium is the heaviest element with an atomic weight of 238.

6) Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon are known as the Noble Gases as they were believed to be unreactive. But recent studies have shown reactive compounds are xenon, krypton and radon.

7) The International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is responsible for maintaining the periodic table

8) Most of the elements on the periodic table are metals-- almost 75 percentage.

9) Different forms of pure elements are called allotropes. For example, diamond, graphite, buckminsterfullerene, and amorphous carbon are allotropes of one pure element Carbon.

10) Mendeleev's periodic table was designed in the order of increasing atomic weight while the modern periodic table is designed according to increasing atomic number

11) The only two elements that are liquid in room temperature are mercury and bromine.

Four new elements has recently discovered in 2016.

The names of  the elements 113, 115,117 & 118 are Nihonium (Nh), Moscovium (Mc), Tennessine (Ts)  & Oganesson (Og).

The element “Nh” were named from the place of Japan “Nihon” means the land of rising sun in Japanese.

The elements “Mc” & “Ts” were named from their geographical regions. 

While the element “Og” was named in the honour  of Russian nuclear physicist “Yuri Oganessian”.

Saturday 4 May 2019

May 04, 2019

Steric inhibition of resonance

Steric Inhibition of Resonance

       Resonance inhibition effect on 
1) Physical properties
2) Acidity & basicity &
3) Reactivity of the compounds

 1) Physical properties & steric inhibition of the resonance: 

i) Bond length & bond strength:

       Resonance increases bond length with double bond & decreases with single bond.
 C一N bond is more because both type of bond single & double bond involved in resonance. But in following structure,

t-Bu group inhibits the resonance hence C一N bond is only single bond.

2) Dipole moments: 

        Steric inhibition reduces the dipole moments because their dipole distance becomes less in aromatic compounds  

 Distance of two poles is large.

 Distance of two poles is less.

Thursday 2 May 2019

May 02, 2019

Communication Skills

Communication Skills

What is communication?

Communication is a word obtained from the Latin word communis or communicare, which means ‘to make common’ or ‘to share’. Communication is the act of conveying intended meaning to another person through the use of mutually understood signs and language. Communication is the art of transmitting ideas , information and attitudes from one person to another.

Forms of Communicating:

Verbal Communication

All forms of communication can be divided into either verbal or nonverbal. Both verbal and nonverbal communication can be subdivided into either vocal or non-vocal. Verbal communication involves speech to exchange information with others. We generally communicate verbally in face-to-face conversations such as; meetings, interviews, conferences, speeches, phone calls e.t.c. Much of the communication that takes place between people is both verbal and non-verbal; that is, it is based on language and gestures.

Verbal communication of the vocal category includes speaking language, while non-vocal verbal communication involves written communication as well as communication which is transmitted through sign language, finger spelling, Braille, or other similar substitutes of verbal language.

Para verbal/ paralanguage/ paralinguistic features: 

Paralinguistic or paralanguage features are the part of spoken communication that do not involve words. Paralinguistic features accompany verbal communication and are the vocal signals beyond of  the basic verbal message. Paralinguistic elements in a person's speech convey meaning beyond the words & grammar used. Examples of paralinguistic features include pitch, rate, quality of voice and amplitude. Other forms of paralanguage can also include laughter or imitative speech.


Non-verbal communication is a kind of communication that indicates gestures and body language. 'Body language" is sometimes used to indicate non-verbal communications. "Body Language" is the communication of personal feelings, emotions, attitudes, and thoughts through body-movements such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, touch, smell, walking styles and positions among others. Non-verbal communication can lead to misunderstandings, communication failure and even conflicts if the interlocutors are careless. 


Levels of communication: 

1) Intrapersonal (Within a person)     
2) Interpersonal  (Face to face)            
3) Group communication
4) Mass communication                       
5) Inter country/ Development


It means communicating within itself. When you think, daydream, solve problems, and image, you are in the realm of intrapersonal communication. Some investigators also include all physical feedback mechanisms, such as the sensations of hunger, pain, and pleasure in this area.


      This form of communication describes the interactions of two or more people. The most significant setting for interpersonal communication is direct face-to-face communication between two persons., An interview, a conversation, and intimate communications come under this heading. It is more persuasive and influential than any other type of communication. For it involves the interplay of words and gestures, the warmth of human closeness and in fact all the five senses. Non verbal signals are difficult to control, involuntary and trusted less signals in case of confusion.  Feedback is the key word here. Feedback is quick, significant & reliable. Feedback is instantaneous.


Group communication shares all these qualities, though in a much less measure. The larger the group the less personal and intimate is the possibility of exchange. In fact, as the group grows, in size communication tends to become more and more of monologue, for participation becomes problematic. The degree of directness and intimacy, therefore, depends upon the size of the group, the place where it meets, as also the relationship of the members of the group to one another, and to the group leader. Group communication requires the following conditions: leadership, equal sharing of ideas, peer pressure, roles and norms, and focus on a common goal.


When a message needs help to get from its source to its destination, mass communication begins to function. Usually some form of medium one meaning of which is 'between' is needed to connect the sender to receivers. These media and visibility to some people and points of views, whereas it mutes. Other voices and viewpoints. Thus mass communication affects our perceptions of issues, events, and people.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Friday 30 November 2018

November 30, 2018

Nature of bonding in organic compounds

Nature of bonding in organic compounds

1) Stability of resonating structures in combination of hybrid resonance:


 More stable structure has more covalent bond hence more contribution.

2) If same number of covalent bond is present then uncharged structure is more stable.

3) Two unlike isolated charges close to each other are major contribution than far. 

  4) Negative charge at more electronegative atom & positive charge at more electropositive atom the structure is more stable.

 5) Equivalent resonating structure has equivalent energy & non-equivalent energy do not have same energy.

 6) 1= Isovalent resonating structure (Two Lewis structures are known as isovalent if they possess the same number of bonds) are more important than heterovalent resonating structure (Two Lewis structures are known as heterovalent resonance if they differ by one or more bonds). So 1 is more stable than 2 & 3.
 7) Electron deficient species has less electron than to complete octet hence low stable but having high energy. Hence contribution in resonance hybrid is more.

Sunday 27 May 2018

May 27, 2018


Analogy  (Letters & Series)

Exercise: 1) Complete the series
1)      SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL
A) CMN                  B) UJI
     C) VIJ                     D) IJT 

2) FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____

A) JAK                    B) HAL

C) HAK                   D) JAI

3) ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNA



4) CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUU
A) GRR       B) GSS
C) ISS                      D) ITT

5) QPO, NML, KJI, _____, EDC
A) HGF       B) CAB
C) JKL        D) GHI

6) JAK, KBL, LCM, MDN, _____
A) OEP        B) NEO
C) MEN       D) PFQ

7) BCB, DED, FGF, HIH, ___
A) JKJ         B) HJH
C) IJI                       D) JHJ

8) QAR, RAS, SAT, TAU, _____
A) UAV      B) UAT
C) TAS        D) TAT

Exercise: 1):

1-Option C     2-Option A     3-Option D     4-Option C
5-Option A   6- Option B    7- Option A     8- Option A

Exercise: 2)
        The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words.

To be continued...